Gigglewick Dragonfly Logo

What's in a name?

Seven years ago in 2014, Sue and I thought that we would do something special for our amazing three year old granddaughter, Amelie. Something that would help and guide her as she matured and faced a challenging childhood in this ever changing and complex world.

Eventually, we decided we would write a book. A children's book that would be engaging and fun for a five year old and littered with snippets of wisdom and facts that would excite and surprise her into her teens. We are not sure whether we succeeded - we will find out in about six years when we will be asking a sixteen year old  to dig out an old book that Nana Sue and Grandad Steve gave her when she was five!

For the book we needed a setting. A magical land where plants and creatures talked to each other and the laws of nature did not always apply!

Over many days, Sue and I set about brainstorming ideas. The name had to reflect not only who we are but also provide a compelling backdrop to the story. 

Two things that remind me of Sue (the resident artist) are laughter and candles. She is gregarious and fun loving and our home is full of twinkling lights and an abundance of candles. Laughter Land, Candle Town, Giggle and Wick? We had it, Gigglewick!

However, rather than a land, Gigglewick is a home, a safe place of laughter and light. An  imaginary thatched flint cottage nestled in The Weald.

What of Amelie? Well, she is scarily mature beyond her years, coupled with a kind heart, obsessive determination and a mischievous sense of humour! When she was three she would get up in the morning declaring "Baddie awake!"

In The Mighty Oak, Amelie's character  Baddie, is a dragon fly who is convinced that she is a dragon!  Hence the Gigglewick logo! The main underlying messages are ones drummed into me by Amelie's great granddad Tom. "you only mature in a crisis" and "you only really learn from mistakes, so don't worry about making them"

Our journey continues with the Gigglewick Gallery which we hope will always be full of laughter, light  and colour. We are sure it will also be filled with many mistakes...can't wait!

A sequel to the first book is taking shape, The Mighty Journey, I am scribbling this now as I sit in the gallery watching the world go by! If you are wandering by please pop in and ask about our mighty journey! If anything, it might be good for a giggle!

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